Bradford White

Bradford White is a leading supplier of residential and commercial  water heaters and boilers in the US and Canada. This huge range of top  of the line products includes the very latest innovations, money saving  features, and special design choices for any environment.

Bradford White residential water heaters

Bradford White water heaters include a full range of  new generation natural gas, electric, solar and tankless water heaters.  You can choose your Bradford White water heater by all types of  features according to product specifications. The Bradford White  residential range of choices include vent types, efficiency ratings, and  more, depending on your needs.

Bradford White commercial water heaters

Bradford White commercial water heaters cover a wide  range of needs for commercial premises, offering both choices of types  of heaters, capacity, and individual product features. If you’re looking  for a commercial water heater, you’re strongly advised to compare  products and check product features to match your specific onsite needs.  

This large range of Bradford White products includes natural gas  heaters, propane heaters, electric, oil and tankless units. You can also  select products under the High Efficiency category to help you select  and compare your choices. 

Bradford White gas water heaters

Gas water heaters are among the most commonly used water heaters in the US. When browsing through the Bradford White gas water heaters,  it’s advisable to compare products to get a good perspective on prices,  capacity and product features, because there are many good options from  which to choose.

Bradford White electric water heaters

The other type of most commonly used water heaters are electric  heaters. Products are available in Lowboy, Upright, and Compact models.  The Bradford White electric water heaters  collection  includes both conventional and compact water heaters. Select your  electric water heater from either the residential or commercial ranges  in the drop-down menu. Compare the different models for price and select  your water heater by checking product features. 

Need more information, or have questions?  

For more information or to ask questions about your Bradford White  products, call us at Pyramid Pipe & Supply Company. We’re happy to  provide any information you need.